Type rating certificate in hand, you are ready to take on a job as an airline pilot. But how will you find a job? Cockpit4u is here to help. And you can already start networking during your training. Most of your instructors are professional pilots and will give you helpful tips.
You are also invited to use our network. Simply and comfortable register in our applicant database. If you meet the requirements, we place you on job vacancies in the cockpit of our airline partners. In the event that you are invited for a job interview, you are welcome to take our additional course " Screening Preparation”, which will help you to present yourself to airlines in the best possible way.
It is also always worth your while to have a look at the following job search engines for pilots:
Flightdeck Recruitment
Maybe you have your sights set on a career as an instructor. If so, we look forward to receiving your application. Learn more about your career prospects at Cockpit4u. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.